Jen Oshman

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Episode 15: Suicide: Is it ever right?

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Episode 15: Suicide: Is it ever right?

You may have heard about the 17 year old girl in Holland who ended her life this week after concluding that her emotional and mental suffering was unbearble. Did you know that euthanasia for children is legal in Holland (and Belgium)? In this episode of All Things we look at why suicide is wrong in all cases and that we are indeed our brothers’ keepers. We must choose life and relentlessly protect the marginalized and the suffering at all times.

Five Reasons for Assisted Suicide (And Crucial Responses to Each One) - Jen Oshman

A Climate of Death: The Collateral Damage of Legal Suicide - Breakpoint

A Godlessness that Leads from Despair to Death: Devaluing Life at Both Its Beginning and End - Albert Mohler

An Appeal to the Church to Resist 'Death With Dignity' - Jen Oshman

Most Americans Say Assisted Suicide is Morally Acceptable - LifeWay Research

Dutch Teenager’s Death Sets Off Debate, and Media Corrections - The New York Times

Legality of euthanasia - Wikipedia