Episode 54: How Should Christians Respond When Our Religious Liberties Are Taken Away?

The Equality Act easily passed in the House of Representatives in February 2021, and it now awaits a hearing in the Senate. People of faith are increasingly anxious as the bill represents the biggest threat to religious liberty to ever appear before Congress. In the face of eroding rights and status, fear and anger come easily. But how ought Christians respond? What is the way of Jesus when our rights are removed?

On this episode of All Things I explore six truths that we must hold on to in the days ahead:

1) God is our creator, and as such he has a say in how all humans conduct ourselves.

2) It will always be good and right for Christians to seek God’s will and God’s best for all people—but we do this for the flourishing of others, not for our own protection and status.

3) We must be students of God’s word and submit ourselves to it—yes, God really did say that.

4) We are likely to be insulted, rejected, and maybe even persecuted, and that’s okay.

5) God’s kingdom is upside down. The gospel is subversive.

6) Jesus is the light of the world and Christians are light-bearers. Others will come to know Christ through our warmth, compassion, and humility.

Ultimately, the way of the cross is not one of political clout and power. The way of the cross is one of humility, meekness, and shame. Current cultural trends are no match for that which lasts forever. The United States is not the Kingdom of God. His kingdom has no end (Luke 1:33). So then, let’s give our eternal King our allegiance. Let’s live for him alone.

The following resources were helpful in creating or were mentioned in this episode:

Explainer: Senate considers Equality Act - ERLC

Tim Keller on Twitter

All Things Episode 31: Explosive Church Growth in Iran and What We in the West Might Learn

Four Truths to Embrace as Religious Liberty Erodes - Jen Oshman at GCD


Episode 56: At Home Abortions via Telemedicine are Legal in the US: Here's What You Should Know


Episode 53: The Rise in Anti-Asian Violence: An Interview With Friends