88: Is the Bible Good for Women with Wendy Alsup

88: Is the Bible Good for Women with Wendy Alsup

I regularly get questions from Christian women who quietly wonder if we have a skeleton in our closet. Does Christianity want to keep us down? Is the Bible good for women? Does God value women? On this episode of All Things we’re taking a deep dive into all these questions with theologian and author Wendy Alsup. We tackle such questions as what it means to be created a helper (ezer in the original Hebrew, in Genesis 2:20-21), the meaning of Genesis 3:16 (Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.), practical theology for women, forgiveness, and more. It’s such a helpful conversation. You will learn a ton from Wendy!

Wendy Alsup’s website, Practical Theology for Women

Is the Bible Good for Women?: Seeking Clarity and Confidence Through a Jesus-Centered Understanding of Scripture - Wendy Alsup

I Forgive You: Finding Peace and Moving Forward When Life Really Hurts - Wendy Alsup

Is Christianity Bad News for Women? - Jen Oshman


89: Nationalism and Christian Nationalism with David Ritchie


Episode 87: Healing After Sexual Betrayal with Ellen Dykas