This is the way we go to school, go to school, go to school...
Thought I'd share images of our trek to Czech class--it's surely a different scene than Oki!
Mark and I take class together at night. The girls go with us. We park outside the city center and then walk in.
We walk through this graffiti-filled tunnel that goes through the beautiful building above. Can you tell it's chilly?
Nine feet of graffiti give rise to ornate old buildings throughout the city.
Our school is called "Correct" and is located in a typical, old and, well, fairly dingy building in the square. Here Hannah is glancing at the sign.
We walk up three flights of stairs surrounding this elevator cage. The lights in this building (and most others) are on a timer. The girls freak whenever the lights go out before we get to the door of our school on the third floor--I don't particularly like it either!
On our journey back to the car we pass by St. James Church, which we think is perhaps Brno's most beautiful building.
Hustling home.
Our class includes students from Scotland, Hungary, Portugal, Finland, Bulgaria, and Greece. The language is indeed difficult but I actually enjoy studying it. Mark constantly practices every new word and phrase he learns, which makes him an awesome language learner. I need to catch on to that habit. The girls are really good about reading and doing school work in the teachers' lounge while they patiently wait for us to finish. We'll be in this class through the end of February and then we're going to hire a private teacher for several more hours per week. Learning Czech will be supernatural, so pray, please!